Welcome to Our Blog

As an introduction to our blog, we thought it would be helpful to provide some background on what lies ahead for us over the next 18 months. On July 4, 2023, we received a letter from the leader of our church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to serve as missionaries in the Peru Arequipa mission. We will be serving in Arequipa for 18 months and have the opportunity to meet local church members as well as those who are not familiar with our faith and invite all to come unto Jesus Christ. We will start our mission by spending two weeks in Provo, Utah where we will receive some training and then we will travel to Arequipa on February 5th. The Peru Arequipa mission consists of approximately 146 missionaries from all parts of the world. Most of the missionaries are young single men and women (typically 18-21 years old). Jalene and I will be one of three married couples serving in the mission. We will be speaking Spanish (I am relearning the language and Jalene is learning for the first time). We are excited to have this opportunity at this time in our lives and grateful for your interest and support. Hopefully, this blog will give you some feel for what we are experiencing.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

First Day at the MTC

We made it through our first day at the Mission Training Center.  Sam, Kailie, Penny, Sydney and Michael dropped us off and then Sydney and Michael drove off with Dodger 😢 We think we are learning our way around.  We checked in and they gave us our missionary tags.  We had a quick tour - then lunch.  We had our first Preach My Gospel class this afternoon and then another tour.  There are 3 other couples in our district (class):  El Salvador (Tim's sister's husband's, sister, if that makes sense), Costa Rica and Philippines.  Tonight Tim was assigned as district leader.  Then we stopped by the small Creamery here and grabbed some ice cream 😋 Stay tuned - we are planning to wake up early and exercise before 7:30 breakfast.  We'll see how that goes. . . 

 Our kids dropping us off at the MTC

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Lots of Temple

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