Welcome to Our Blog

As an introduction to our blog, we thought it would be helpful to provide some background on what lies ahead for us over the next 18 months. On July 4, 2023, we received a letter from the leader of our church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to serve as missionaries in the Peru Arequipa mission. We will be serving in Arequipa for 18 months and have the opportunity to meet local church members as well as those who are not familiar with our faith and invite all to come unto Jesus Christ. We will start our mission by spending two weeks in Provo, Utah where we will receive some training and then we will travel to Arequipa on February 5th. The Peru Arequipa mission consists of approximately 146 missionaries from all parts of the world. Most of the missionaries are young single men and women (typically 18-21 years old). Jalene and I will be one of three married couples serving in the mission. We will be speaking Spanish (I am relearning the language and Jalene is learning for the first time). We are excited to have this opportunity at this time in our lives and grateful for your interest and support. Hopefully, this blog will give you some feel for what we are experiencing.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Out of the Office

The office couple returned to the mission yesterday, so we are out of the office after today.  We filled in for 2 1/2 months.  I don't need to be there anymore, but Tim is there this morning updating Elder VanDusen on the the financial stuff.  The Area changed a few things financially while they were gone, so they are going over that today and getting the month end done.  

Last week was quite busy.  It was transfer week and the office has a lot to do to prepare.  We lost 6 missionaries who completed their mission, 2 missionaries for health reasons and 1 missionary who was visa waiting and left for Ecuador.  We then received 20 missionaries on Wednesday.  7 Latinos and 13 Gringos (only 3 of them were Hermanas - 1 Latina and 2 Gringas).

In the meantime, Hermana Sheely (my English Connect instructor), is taking time off.  Her husband who is the 2nd counselor in the mission presidency (and is Gringo), is having health concerns and they are heading to the States to get medical care.  (I sure hope we aren't next.)  In order to teach the Latino missionaries English, we teach a beginning class on Thursdays for an hour and an intermediate class on Fridays using Zoom for both.  Because I don't speak Spanish, Hermana Sheely teaches the classes (she has about 4 years experience teaching these classes), and I take care of all the technology and administrative part of it.  I do join her during the classes and help out where I can.  Now that she can't teach, I am preparing the lessons (powerpoints) and Tim is helping me with the Spanish when we teach together.  So last week I was taking care of the office responsibilities for the transfers, the teaching responsibilities (teaching and admin) and my usual responsibilities (such as the weekly bulletin) all while fighting a sinus infection.

I share this because I want to express how strengthened I felt during that time.  I know my Heavenly Father is watching over and strengthening us.  I tend to feel a lot of anxiety when I'm under a lot of pressure like that, but this time I never felt like I couldn't handle it.  I did at one point, take time out to realize that I had bitten more off than I could chew, and I canceled classes last week because I just didn't have the time or energy because of my illness to prepare the lessons.  But I felt peace about it rather than failure and guilt like I tend to do.  I'm really grateful for the watchful care we are receiving.  By the way, Tim was also sick, and I know he feels the same way I do.  There were days he needed to be in the office and was able to get there.

Here are some fun photos of some of the missionaries that went home:

These are the 20 missionaries who arrived last week:

Let's see.  What else . . .?

Two of the office elders had a birthday last week.  Their pensionista is also our house cleaner, so she invited all of us over for lunch and cake.  One of the office elders is brand new in the office since the transfers.  We worked for a long time with Elder Quispe in the office and he was transferred out.  He's now a zone leader about 6 hours away.  We'll miss him.  

Elder Bruno's birthday.  He's from Lima.

Elder Collin's birthday.  He's new in the office and from Idaho.

For pday this week we went with the Chipmans on a hike to a waterfall just outside Arequipa.  The drive there was just as much an adventure as the hike.  

Shoe repair

We ended up accidently driving down this outdoor market.  It slowed us down quite a bit.

Then we came upon this, which held up traffic.

We came across a little town with the central plaza and church all cities have.

This was a really fun hike.  A lot of stream crossings.  It hasn't rained in months and we came across a few waterfalls until we reached the largest one at the end of the hike.  We'd like to see how much water there is during the rainy season in February and March.

Now that we are out of the office, we are excited to get back into the field.  Our first trip out was with the Mission Leader of the Alto Libertad ward.  We've been out with him before to visit those who aren't coming to church and those who are being taught by the young missionaries.  We were able to catch a couple of people at home.  We also met with a couple of people who were working in their tiendas (small stores).  We tried to meet with a women who is being taught by the missionaries, but she is being treated for cancer and was at the hospital.  We really enjoy that.  

This is the home of a member who helped us out finding people.

This was the home of a member who couldn't see us, but asked us to return.

This is the home of the women with cancer.

And I had to share another photo of a dog on a roof.

And this is just a fun peruvian photo.  We get these guys all the time driving around and blasting through a megaphone peddling whatever.  I think this guy is actually wanting junk.  It can be very disruptive during a church meeting or zone conference.

1 comment:

Lisa Boman said...

Love you guys! I hope you are feeling better soon.

Life as a Missionary

The last couple of weeks we've had the opportunity to go out with the missionaries quite a bit.  We've also been trying to get to kn...